Italianovisa イタリアのビザ Immigration and international law 居住許可の法的サポート

Our law firm, with offices in Milan, Verona and Vicenza and associates throghout Italy, is stuffed with lawyers and paralegals, some Japonese mother tongue, with more than twenty years of experience advising foreign citizens in their business and personal dealings in Italy. Our lawyers are qualified to assist you before the local Courts as well as in Immigration procedures.
We offer legal assistance to Japanese nationals with regard to any issue they may incurr in Italy, among these:
- Visa applications for Italy;
- filing the petition for Nulla Osta at local Questura in Italy on behalf of the client;
- application for Tax Code on behalf of the client;
- drafting or reviewing Work Contract as employee or freelancer, lease contracts, business contracts;
- marriage in Italy involving Japanese citizens, legal advice about the patrimonial regime, divorce;
- road accidents, compensation for damages, criminal cases;
- real estate law.
法的援助ビザ 居住許可の法的サポート 結婚または離婚に対する法的支援 ミラノ、ヴェローナ、ヴィチェンツァに事務所を持つ私どもの法律事務所では日本語でもご相談いただけます。
- イタリアのビザ申請サポート
- ヌッラ・オスタの請求代行手続き
- 納税者番号の申請代行手続き
- 従業員またはフリーランサーとしての雇用契約、リース契約、事業契約等、契約書の起草または確認
- イタリアでの結婚、離婚に関する手続きや財産分野に関する法的支援
- 交通事故、損害賠償、刑事事件
- 不動産の賃貸、売買に関する法的支援
Marriage of a Japanese citizen in Italy
A Japanese citizen like any non-EU citizens(outside the EU) can marry in Italy.
To this end, certain documents are required, mainly aimed at proving the identity and free status of the Japanese citizen, first of all the Nulla Osta released by the Japanese Consulate in Italy.
In order to obtain the Nulla Osta, the Japanese citizen must have at his disposal a Birth Certificate and the Koseki tohon as well as a document of the groom/bride, which may be Italian or foreign as well.
With these documents the Japanese citizen/s goes to the nearest Japanese Consulate and asks for the release of the Nulla Osta. This is a document where the Consulate declares that the Japanese citizen has the right to marry, because he is single or regularly divorced.
The Nulla Osta must be legalized by the competent Prefecture by appointment.
In the event that the other spouse is also Japanese or foreigner, a Nulla Osta must be obtained also for him/her.
In case the Japanese citizen is abroad we can request the documentson his/her behalf through a Power of Attorney.
At this point we ask for the publications in the Municipality. The request for publications is necessary to be able to stipulate the marriage.
Once the time required for the publications has elapsed, the date of the marriage can be established.
On the day of the wedding the celebrant will read the articles of the Italian Civil Code which foresee the obligations arising from the marriage. Spouses must also choose the property regime, joint assets or separated assets.
The Japanese citizen must be able to understand what is read and requested by the celebrant, otherwise an interpreter must be appointed.
そのためには、まず結婚する日本人の戸籍謄本と独身証明書等の書類が必要です。日本の市役所で発行された戸籍謄本を取得して、最寄りの日本大使館/領事館に行き必要書類を記入後、Nulla Ostaという書類を申請します。これは、その日本人が未婚もしくは離婚している状態であること、つまり結婚する権利を有すると大使館/領事館が証明した文書です。配偶者となる相手がイタリア国民以外である場合は、同様にNulla Ostaを取得する必要があります。
Nulla Ostaは管轄の県によって合法化されなければならないため、大使館/領事館が発行した書類を持って指定された県もしくは市の窓口に行き手続きを行います。
Italian Divorce and Separation Law
According to statistical data published by the Italian Central Statistical Office, recently from among five marriages in Italy, one marriage at least one spouse is a foreigner.
Our family and divorce attorneys, can advise you on all aspects of the relationship breakdown, including the financial implications and child custody.
Normally the divorce is decided by the Court, taking into consideration all legal requirements specified in the Italian Civil Code.
In the first place, the Judge tries to reconcile the spouses and verify wether there is a permanent and complete disintegration of the matrimonial life.
According to Italian law, the formal prior separation is mandatory for at leasts at least 6 months, if both spouses decide to get divorce by mutual consent, or 12 months, if there is no agreement between spouses.
So in fact, the dissolution of a marriage is the result of two separate proceedings taking place one after the other (first separation and than divorce).
In the proceedings before a Court, the assistance of a lawyer is mandatory.
Since 2012 in Italy is in effect Council Regulation (EU) No 1259/2010 of December 20, 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation where at least one of the spouses is foreign.
According to art. 5 of such Regulation, if certain conditions are fulfilled, spouses may agree to designate the law applicable to divorce and legal separation, for example the law of the State where the marriage took place.
If you face the prospect of divorce or any other family law matter that may impact your rights or your children’s future, the Attorney you choose is critical.
2012年よりイタリアでは2010年12月20日のCouncil Regulation (EU) No 1259/2010が施行されました。特に配偶者の片方が外国人である場合の離婚および財産分与に関する積極的な法律支援について規定されています。規定要領の5では、特定の条件が満たされている場合、たとえば結婚が行われた国の法律など、配偶者は離婚および財産分与に適用される法律を指定することに同意する必要があります。
The first thing to take care about, especially for a foreigner, is the following one: if a car accident happens in Italy, the applicable law shall be the Italian one, i.e. the one of the country where the accident occurred.
If the foreign person needs to go back to his/her contry of residente he/she might conduct the negotiation or even a law suit by appointing an Italian qualified lawyer who can conduct the negotiation or law suit also in absence of the damged person.
A. What to do to obtain compensation for damages
If one has been engaged in an accident involving motor vehicles, for which there is insurance obligation, the drivers of the involved vehicles or, if different persons, the respective vehicle owners first of all shall report the claim to their insurance.
One must report the accident within 3 days from the date of the harmful event, through filling out the CAI (i.e. friendly report of an accident) form, if signed jointly by the two drivers involved. In the absence can be reported the Police Report or a simple descriptions of the modalities of the accident and evidences showing the consequences resulting from it.
If consequently to the accident only material damages or minor personal injuries emerged (biological injury less than 9% of permanent invalidity), the injured party may directly bring to his/her own insurance company (that is the company with which the insurance contract has been signed) the compensation claim (namely the so-called “Direct car accident compensation” or “direct compensation” procedure).
On the contrary, if the physical damage involves a serious injury (biological injury greater that 9% - macro-permanent injuries), the injured party shall access the ordinary procedure for obtaining of accident compensation, that is he/she shall turn to the insurance company of the party liable.
Once the insurance company receives the request for damage compensation (which should be forwarded via registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt by the person damaged or her/his lawyer), it has the obligation to give a response within certain terms depending on the damages.
Within the above-mentioned terms, the insurance company shall formulate an offer of “car accident compensation” to the injured party, if the latter party agrees, compensation has to be paid. In this case the insurance company normally pais lawyer’s costs too.
If the injured party refuses the offer, the insurance nonetheless normally pays the offered amount and the injured party may keep it in the form of down payment on the greater due amount and start a law suit before the court for the difference.
B. Which damages are entitled to compensation
Those damages entitled to compensation essentially consist in financial damages and non-financial damages.
a. Non-financial damages
Non-financial damages include biological injury (related to an injury of physical and psychological integrity of the party injured) and moral injury
- biological injury concerns temporary or permanent injuries to a person's physical and psychological integrity, which can be ascertained by medical-legal means. The biological injury may have negative effect on the daily activities and life relation aspects of the party injured, independently of possible implications on his/her capacity to produce income. The biological injury comprised: temporary partial disability and permanent disability;
- moral injury consists in the repercussion of the harmful event to the psychic sphere of the subject who is victim of the car accident, it can be quantified in monetary units, it comprises also those injuries derived from the loss of a close relative.
b. Financial damages
The financial damages, namely those which involve a decrease in the capacity to produce income, include:
- damages connected to medical and treatment expenses incurred by the party injured, and also to the asset of the party injured;
- damage to specific work skills, namely reduced capacity to produce income in relation to the job performed as a consequence of the injuries derived from the accident.
C. Civil and criminal claims
When ever the company does not intend to recognise to the injured party the right of compensation (physical and moral injury compensation) or offers a significantly lower amount than the actual value of the damage, the injured party may start a civil Law Suit in order to have the correct compensation amount recognised by the Court.
Before placing a claim to the Court, is, however, be mandatory to try to reach a settlement agreement between the parties, by recourse to “assisted negotiation”.
In case of negative result of the assisted negotiation the claim can be filed.
Once the action is brought before the Court, the latter will decide on the right and extent of compensation.
Criminal Procedure
In the most serious car accidents, because of which significantly severe personal injuries have been caused, criminal proceeding is also recommended. In this latter case, the Complaint shall be filed within 3 months from the date of the accident.
If the accident resulted in a very serious injury or death, criminal proceeding will be initiated automatically, without needing a Complaint.
The person injured by the car accident may place a civil claim in the criminal proceeding in order to obtain compensation of her damages, besides conviction of the person liable.
Considering the complexity of the matter, it could be advisable hiring a lawyer not only in those cases in which one wishes to file a civil or criminal claim to obtain compensation, but also in phase of negotiations with the insurance company, to avoid errors which may undermine the positive outcome of the procedure. On the other hand if the negotiation reaches a positive output the lawyer’s expenses are paid by the insurance. Also in case of law suit the prevailing party is normally awarded legal fees.
VISA - we can assist you in applying for any type of visa: student visa, work visa, self-employment visa, visa for family reasons (marriage, children), visa for elective residence etc.
We can also proceed on your behalf to apply and obtain the Nulla Osta from the Police Headquarters, required for the granting of the Visa by the Italian Consulate in Japan.
Our staff includes lawyers admitted to represent clients before any Italian Court in cases such as: international separation/divorce, child custody, damage recovery.
ビザ取得 - 学生ビザ、就労ビザ、自営業ビザ、家族ビザ(結婚、子供)、選択的在留ビザなど、あらゆる種類のビザの申請を支援します。
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